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The Cowboys From Hell

The Cowboys From Hell are a tag team comprised of veteran wrestler Jimmy Darrell and his young nephew Duke. The pair has been together for a little over a year, but they have honed their natural chemistry into a finally tuned machine.

Jimmy has been wrestling since the late 1970s and made a name for himself in the South Western United States and Japan as a hardnosed son of a bitch from Truth or Consequences New Mexico. In recent years he has embraced the hardcore and death match scene in order to keep up with wrestlers half his age.

In 2005 Jimmy's brother and long time tag team partner Johnny passed away of colon cancer. With the passing of such a major force in his life Jimmy was a man without direction and seriously thinking about leaving the business to tend his Rough Rider Ranch full time. However it was the fatherless Duke, who was trying to break into the business that kept him going. In March of 2006 Jimmy got Duke out of a dead end local fed and began taking him on the road teaching him what it really takes to be a professional wrestler. With their skills finally honed the pair has come to XWF to prove that they are the premier tag team in the World

The Hit List

Jimmy Darrell Bio
Duke Darrell Bio